C3 - Diatonic Chord Charts


A complete transcription of all lesson content outlining the spellings of all chords in a printable chart for the reader and non-reader. A great companion for practice and on the gig.

  • C Major
    C Major

    A printable transcription of chords, charts and lesson worksheets.

  • Db Major
    Db Major

    A printable transcription of chords, charts and lesson worksheets.

  • D Major
    D Major

    A printable transcription of chords, charts and lesson worksheets.

  • Eb Major
    Eb Major

    A printable transcription of chords, charts and lesson worksheets.

  • E Major
    E Major

    A printable transcription of chords, charts and lesson worksheets.

  • F Major
    F Major

    A printable transcription of chords, charts and lesson worksheets.

  • Gb Major
    Gb Major

    A printable transcription of chords, charts and lesson worksheets.

  • G Major
    G Major

    A printable transcription of chords, charts and lesson worksheets.

  • Ab Major
    Ab Major

    A printable transcription of chords, charts and lesson worksheets.

  • A Major
    A Major

    A printable transcription of chords, charts and lesson worksheets.

  • Bb Major
    Bb Major

    A printable transcription of chords, charts and lesson worksheets.

  • B Major
    B Major

    A printable transcription of chords, charts and lesson worksheets.